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About This Project

Zynergy's Role in Building Simplexity: A Revolutionary Telecommunications Marketplace

Zynergy played a pivotal role in the development of Simplexity, a eCommerce and Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) solutions provider in the wireless industry. This 12-month $45 million project, initiated in Reston, Virginia, and later relocated to Irving (Las Colinas), Texas—the telecom capital of the United States—was a collaborative effort between Zynergy, SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation), and Scient, blending technology innovation with business strategy. Simplexity aimed to revolutionize how customers, both residential and business, interacted with and chose telecommunications services.

Zynergy was integral to this project, providing leadership and expertise in technology development, user experience design, and marketplace strategy. Our team collaborated with over 80 software developers, visual designers, business architects, management consultants, and project managers to bring the vision of a seamless, data-driven telecommunications marketplace to life. Zynergy’s responsibilities extended across all aspects of the technology stack, ensuring the platform’s back-end infrastructure was robust and scalable, while the front-end was designed to offer a user-friendly experience for customers.

Simplexity’s groundbreaking approach was in offering a web-based platform where telecom providers such as AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon could compete for customers, providing side-by-side service comparisons. This marketplace empowered customers to make data-driven decisions based on real-time pricing, service levels, and features. The cost savings for customers were significant, as the platform allowed them to find the best possible deals tailored to their specific needs, all in one place. For telecom providers, Simplexity opened up new channels to reach both residential and business customers, offering them a competitive space where innovation and customer satisfaction were prioritized.

Zynergy’s collaboration with SAIC and Scient was key to the project’s success. Together, we crafted a flexible, scalable platform that could handle the complexities of the telecom marketplace while still delivering a seamless user experience. Our team of developers and business architects worked closely with telecom companies to integrate their services into the platform, ensuring that customers could access accurate, up-to-date information and make well-informed choices. The project’s complexity required sophisticated data handling and comparison algorithms, which Zynergy helped architect to give customers the ability to easily evaluate their options.

The move Irving Texas (Las Colinas) allowed the team to further immerse themselves in the telecommunications ecosystem, gaining deeper insights into the needs and challenges of the industry. Zynergy’s ability to navigate this complex market was instrumental in developing a platform that catered to both telecom giants and end-users alike, making the marketplace a valuable tool for everyone involved. The ability to make data-driven, cost-effective decisions via the Simplexity platform was revolutionary for the time, offering unprecedented transparency in a traditionally opaque industry.

Versa Capital Management eventually acquired Simplexity’s technology through an acquisition of InPhonic. The technology and business model that Zynergy helped create not only changed the way customers interacted with telecom providers but also paved the way for future innovations in digital marketplaces.

Today, Simplexity’s legacy continues to influence telecommunications, showcasing the power of customer-centric, data-driven platforms in reshaping entire industries. Zynergy’s role in bringing this vision to life highlights its ability to lead complex, high-stakes projects and deliver innovative solutions that create lasting impact.

big ideas project, SAIC, Scient, telecommunications industry, telecom, telecommunications, marketplace