Zynergy Management Consulting Firm Digital Innovation Transformation Orlando Florida
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Transforming your business using AI & digital technology

We transform your business by harnessing the power of AI and digital technology to drive innovation, efficiency, and exponential growth.

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Digital Lab Inquiry

Please tell us about your interest in Zynergy’s Digital Lab an incubator for new ventures.

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10 being very high-end and very expensive to 1 being a low cost leader
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Per principal member
The more resources that comes from outside investors, the more control and/or profits are provided to the investor. Outside capital is sometimes a requirement to execute the vision.
Of course the type of outside investor involved is important to best answering this question.
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The restaurant business like most hospitality businesses are typically most busy during days and times we desire to enjoy time. Restauranteurs typically make great sacrifices to start, grow, and maintain a successful restaurant. Those that lack such attention, typically start to fail. Restaurants that seem to not have owners present typically have deep financial backing and/or corporate teams scaffolding the operations. They can afford to deliver a subpar product that still makes financial sense.
Who does what? Well defined roles and responsibilities greatly help reduce potential friction. Who makes the final decisions on business-related issues like cutting cost, culinary issues, staffing, financials, growth opportunities, customer experience, etc.?